Technology and Society Expectations- Blog 2
Technology has became the center of everyone lives. The first thing we do in the morning is check our phone for notification or latest news updates from overnight. Technology has kept up with this fast-pace dynamic we created today. "Technology, data and analytics have combined to fundamentally alter the innovation curve, a curve that's become increasingly steep. Changes and updates are happening more rapidly than ever. Anyone who's bought a smartphone has seen this firsthand. What was a ground-breaking innovation yesterday is out of date tomorrow. It’s become an “exponential economy.” (Stroh, 2017). We as an society have created a new expectation because of technology such as face-pace. We want everything quick especially nothing that can possibly hinder our day. Texting, sharing and posting gives us that. It doesn't take a lot to like, share or comment on a post especially with the social media app at our fingertips at all times. As we as an society continue to ...